Monday, January 19, 2009


When you loose your partners trust, it creates a strong barrier where you cant live your life fully, happily with the person you love the most... and its not necessary that only a big lie like cheating on your partner or about certain things in life, will make your partner lose trust, even a small untrue statement which would be harmless will also make your partner lose trust because he will assume that if you can lie about small things, you can even lie about the more significant matters in your relationship.
Once you lose your partner’s trust, getting it back can be a difficult task. Your partner may forgive you but he will not be able to trust you completely. If you are in a situation where you have lost your partner's trust, You must also be frustrated because your partner may be continuously reminding you that he doesnt trust you anymore because of the lies you have told him and its not easy for him to forget that you have lied to him..
So What can you do about it?
I have been thinking a lot about it and I guess..
You should try to what your partner is going through and how difficult it is to believe in someone after they gave you a reason not to. Put yourself in their shoes and try to imagine how it would feel to be lied to, and how difficult it would be to trust the person who deceived you .
Accept the comments of your partner with patience and realize that there is no way around .Only time can heal your partners bitterness and anger. There are no instant fixes to this problem and there is no way restore trust and get it back overnight. Only time can make your partner forgive you and put behind the mistrust and give importance to your relationship..

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