Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lets Forgive Ourselves

If you are like me, you may forget your own telephone number, but have an unfailing memory for past mistakes you have made. We compound this when we allow these memories to cloud the present even after years they have occurred.

There are parents, for instance, who burden themselves with a lifetime of guilt for the mistakes they feel they made in bringing up their children. There are those who have made poor life decisions in work, social and personal situations and have pounded their chest raw with contrition.

Continuing to punish ourselves so far out of proportion to the wrongs we may have done is an intriguing phenomenon.
It suggests that we are our own harshest judge and chief tormentor. At one time or another, we will all need the forgiveness of others, but equally important is the forgiveness we owe to ourselves. Isn't it the time to liberate ourselves from our self imposed cells of guilt and regret?
Love is not about opening old wounds. It is about healing them. It is about getting up and moving forward, and getting on with life.

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