Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Never Give Up!

If you have no confidence, if you are defeated, if you're being beaten, if you are troubled by fear, diffidence, apprehension, or weakness, then come to where the power is- in god!

Your belief in god gives you the confidence.
You must have confidence if you want to live well. Never let anything get you matter how difficult, how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it may seem or how depressed you may become.
Whatever the quality and character of the circumstance involved, never let anything get you down.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Don't make today's judgements based upon yesterday's memories

There is little doubt that we are largely products of our memories. Without being fully aware of it, past experiences have a way of weaving themselves into an expanding web of entrapment, ensnaring our present view of life.

Before we are, we were, so new ideas are filtered through past beliefs. When we attempt to establish what is, we are bogged down by what was.
But there is hope. No one is permanently preprogrammed.We all have the ability to assimilate new experience.But to do so, we must battle our memories and lessen their power. Unless we want our future to be nothing more than a rehash of our past, we must be aware of the power of the past to affect our behaviour. Only then we will be able to create our future.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Lets Forgive Ourselves

If you are like me, you may forget your own telephone number, but have an unfailing memory for past mistakes you have made. We compound this when we allow these memories to cloud the present even after years they have occurred.

There are parents, for instance, who burden themselves with a lifetime of guilt for the mistakes they feel they made in bringing up their children. There are those who have made poor life decisions in work, social and personal situations and have pounded their chest raw with contrition.

Continuing to punish ourselves so far out of proportion to the wrongs we may have done is an intriguing phenomenon.
It suggests that we are our own harshest judge and chief tormentor. At one time or another, we will all need the forgiveness of others, but equally important is the forgiveness we owe to ourselves. Isn't it the time to liberate ourselves from our self imposed cells of guilt and regret?
Love is not about opening old wounds. It is about healing them. It is about getting up and moving forward, and getting on with life.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The cumulative effect of our simple acts

Every act has its consequence. We may not be aware of its importance, but in some Way , each event contributes to a bigger picture, the significance of which will be revealed only with time. If we can accept this, we can appreciate the importance of the simple, seemingly inconsequential acts we perform without thought, words we speak without consideration or hopes we dash without regard.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Forgiveness begins where blame ends..

Today, I was watching two children having an argument..They were quarreling over some insignificant things as we often do. Their dialogue went something like this:

"You're stupid!"
"Yeah! So are you."
"Not so stupid as you!"
"Oh Yeah!, That's what you think."
After they finished this exchange, they went their separate ways. When I returned to the site not more than an hr later, they were playing together again, having forgotten the whole thing. No brooding, no wounded egos, no blame, no dredging up the past, no recriminations. There it was, a brief and honest exchange of angry feelings, an even briefer cooling off period, and all was forgotten.
Children are certainly much more forgiving than adults. Somewhere in the process of growing up we seem to have become experts of holding grudges, cradling fragile egos and unforgiving natures. We develop razor sharp memories of past wrongs and carry them around, ready at a moment's notice to use them as an ammunition. We become skilled arguers with an underlying sense of what is right. We are determined to win every battle and if we don't, immediately begin plotting our revenge.
Forgiveness comes only when we can identify with others and admit to our own imperfection and an equal capacity for wrongdoing.